Thursday, August 27, 2020
Analysis of Terror Attack in the USA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Examination of Terror Attack in the USA - Assignment Example Be that as it may, there were survivors, and a model is Leaky Behrman (Harrington, 2014). During this assault, she invested the vast majority of the energy helping in salvage endeavors, in spite of being one of the people in question. She as of late went to our University and gave a talk on her encounters during this time. One of the exercises from this talk is that the enduring survivors of the dread assault were genuinely influenced by the occasions. For instance, Behrman contends that the initial ten years were extremely difficult to her. This is on the grounds that she had tragic recollections of the assaults, which were delivered with recollections of death and wounds. During this timeframe, Behrman contends that she had the option to think about the occasions, and as every year passed, she had the option to recuperate. In any case, it took an extensive stretch of time, before she had the option to recognize that this occasion was a catastrophe. From these contentions, I had the option to discover that psychological oppression has an extremely negative outcome. Fear assaults would cause passionate flimsiness and torment. Individuals experiencing these conditions typically set aside a significant stretch of effort to mend. For instance, since the September eleventh assaults, the American non military personnel populace has not recuperated. This is on the grounds that Americans are as yet defenseless against dread gatherings, which are natured by Al-Qaeda, a significant psychological oppressor association that America was battling. These gatherings incorporate Al-Shabaab in Somalia, and ISIS, in Middle-East. ISIS is blamed for completing uncouth assaults against Americans, and this incorporates the decapitation of James Foley (Glenza, 2014). Such sort of assaults has caused Americans to feel shaky since they are powerless against dread assaults. This is the motivation behind why the president announced war on ISIS, the fear gathering. Denote that ISIS is a subsidiary of Al-Qaeda, a dread gathering that America has spent in the course of the m ost recent ten years battling. All in all, this occasion was useful to me.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
3 paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
3 paper - Assignment Example Different evaluation devices exist that instructors can utilize in the study hall for understudies who have formative issues in both language and correspondence, for example, (CASL). The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) helps instructors in surveying four significant learning regions of understudies with language challenges, which are tuning in, talking, perusing and composing. This language appraisal test centers around both expressive just as responsive language alternatives for the understudies as it empowers instructors to recognize the dangerous regions of their understudies and focus on updating them. this test is straightforward and an instructor can do it inside an ordinary study hall setting, focusing on the four primary zones of tuning in, talking, perusing, and composing, and as such covering the four principle classifications of dialects which are pragmatics, syntactic, semantics, and surpralinguistics. Every one of the four classes evaluates diverse language improvement territories. These incorporate the information and utilization of words and punctuation, complex language cognizance, and the fitting language mindfulness (Carrow-Wo olfolk, n.d.). The educator centers around different subtopics on every one of these classifications while leading the evaluation so as to decide the capability of the understudy, just as enabling them to beat their territories of trouble. Basic subtopics utilized in such evaluation strategies incorporate appreciating essential equivalent words, colloquial dialects, businesslike judgment, syntactic judgment, equivocal sentences among others. This test gives a specific feeling of explicitness that empowers educators decide fittingly the individual methodologies of every one of their understudies. An evaluation fitting word divider is a decent procedure that educators in a center school can utilize so as to empower their understudies conquers their challenges in language and correspondence. A word divider helps understudies settle on decisions of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Xat Essay Topics - What Are They?
Xat Essay Topics - What Are They?The nature of academic writing in an essay topics is that you are required to get creative and apply your creative genius. Yes, the majority of students have a creative side that will be released in an essay. You need to make sure that you let that come out.If you don't know the stories behind the essays that are being read, you are going to be in trouble when it comes to the xat essay topics that are being used for the semester. I have seen a trend lately with students that started reading over again and repeating the same story with slight variations. This kind of reading habits really aren't unique to college students, but it is something that you want to avoid at all costs.There is a huge difference between story telling and outright plagiarism. Story telling is what we do when we are reading a book and we want to make sure that we do not plagiarize from another person. Plagiarism is using another person's story and stealing the ideas and characte ristics that they are presenting.Writers should always stick to the story. The story should be interesting and engaging to the reader. They should make the reader feel like they are right there in the character's shoes and you want to make sure that you add twists and turns that make the story interesting.Students will tell you that this can be quite difficult and that is why some use the story. They are doing it because they think it is fun and will make them stand out from the crowd.The story that is contained within the essay should be an engaging one. The story should be about the character and the theme of the story.The theme should be one that people enjoy reading about and have a reason to go back and read more. In other words, the story should be entertaining.Students should also take advantage of the xat essay topics that are around. It is a common thing for professors to use xat essay topics and the students are often confused as to why the professor is using a certain the me or character. Students need to understand this and use this opportunity to write about their own character and theme.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Foucaults Discipline and Punish Essay - 815 Words
Crime is inevitable in society, whether it be in traditional societies or in modern society. However, with an action, there are always has to be a consequence, however when breaking the law, the consequences are rather bad, and sometimes harsh. This is called punishment. Discipline is enforcing acceptable patterns of behaviour and teaching obedience. In an excerpt called Discipline and Punish, contemporary theorist Michael Foucault explains these two concepts. This paper will summarize the author’s main points; provide a comparison with a theorist previously lectured on in class, as well as a personal interpretation of Foucault’s arguments. As probably studied in any law or history class, punishment in medieval times consisted of†¦show more content†¦Prison is an important place, because it takes away the power from individuals. This means that the criminal is no longer acting upon his will, but that of the officers, judge, guards, etc. â€Å"They are the foun dation of society, and an element in its equilibrium.†(215) All the techniques, when created, they â€Å"attained a level at which formation of knowledge and the increase of power regularly reinforce the other.†(216) This part of the paper will provide a comparison with a theorist previously discussed in a lecture. The theorist with whom Michael Foucault’s arguments will be compared to is Emile Durkheim. Durkheim sees crime as functional. He says that if there was no crime, all our values would be dispersed--these values are laws. These laws are observed by sanctions and punishments attached to it. However, in order for these laws to exist, there must be a punishment, thus, for there to be a punishment, there has to be crime. Repressive law, according to this classical theorist was based on punishing for the evil doing of the criminal through revenge. Durkheim believes that a crime is not collective and when one goes against the core values of society, one thre atens the entire order of society. Therefore, this theorist would agree with Foucault that when disciplining a criminal, he or she should be stripped of their freedom and whenShow MoreRelatedFreud And Foucaults Discipline And Punish1598 Words  | 7 PagesFreud’s â€Å"Civilization and Its Discontents†and Foucault’s â€Å"Discipline and Punish†it is apparent that they have different views on the function of human society. Freud’s general claim in his writing is that the purpose of human life is happiness. Though our current civilization often does not offer direct, intense satisfaction of our carnal desires, it does offer a more stable lifestyle that avoids pain and results in smaller, simpler pleasures. Foucault’s claims, on the other hand, focus more on theRead MoreEssay on Foucaults Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison2301 Words  | 10 Pagesdemand that we â€Å"forget Foucault.†In order to answer the question, how Foucault’s theory of the disciplinary society can be used to understand the body in the society, I would like to begin this essay by returning to Foucault’s book – Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison. This book deals with the disciplinary institutions and practices that emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. While discipline and punish is concerned with the birth of the prison in modern Europe, it has farRead More Foucaults Discipline and Punish and Power and Sex Essay1722 Words  | 7 PagesFoucaults Discipline and Punish and Power and Sex Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age- Frank Lloyd Wright Darkness is meant to conceal, light is meant to expose, and there is power intrinsically imbued in both of these. Murderers hide in the dark, waiting for their victims, and the atrocities of different countries are hidden in history and official memos and propaganda. At the same time,Read MoreDiscipline and Punish: a Critical Review. This Is a Summary of Michel Foucaults Seminal Work on the History of Criminal Punishment and Social Discipline as It Transformed from Punitive to Correctional Models During the2913 Words  | 12 Pages------------------------------------------------- Discipline and Punish: a critical review ------------------------------------------------- This is a summary of Michel Foucaults seminal work on the history of criminal punishment and social discipline as it transformed from punitive to correctional models during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------Read MoreFoucault s Discipline And Punishment1211 Words  | 5 Pagessociety into the modern culture seen today. Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish examines how punishment was viewed and enacted prior to the â€Å"humane†awakening of the eighteenth century, while establishing the progression of change that shifted punishment from the body to the soul. Foucault was a student and professor of philosophy and psychology during the twentieth century, which influenced his writings and political activism. Discipline and Punish is a result of his active participation in prisonRead MoreOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Relation to Foucaults Argument1602 Words  | 7 PagesOver the Cuckoo’s Nest†, is a film that relates to Foucault’s analysis of discipline and punishment. Foucault’s argument is that power works in a disciplinary way in current society. The movie can relate to this because the i nstitution that the movie took place in was ran using Foucault’s disciplinary technique. There are many scenes from the film that give an analysis of Foucault’s argument. Foucault believes that people have the power to punish the docile bodies that they produce. Foucault arguesRead MoreEssay on We Are Big Brothers Reality Television Star1445 Words  | 6 Pagesbeing broadcasted to the rest of the country, American citizens are still being monitored by the government through wire taps, GPS locators and cameras. These are just a few examples of ways the American government is beginning to introduce Michel Foucault’s idea of a utopia, called the Panopticon, into modern day American society. Although the government is trying to be as low-key as possible, movies like Enemy of the State tries to spotlight how obsessed society and the government are about surveillanceRead MoreThe Importance Of The Body Needs The Head For Surviving?921 Words  | 4 PagesWe have the right of freedom which people pursue from many centuries, but the freedom is still within the certain frameworks. Does the body needs the head for surviving? Yes, the accumulation rule is the head of society body. Do we punish ourselves for contravention of our laws, and how to ascertain everybody follow and Unbreak the rules? Of course, surveillance is the heart which keeps the life for the society body that is the system under the help of technical machine such as camera, satellitesRead MoreFoucault s Influence On Political Theory2360 Words  | 10 Pagespolitical theory. In our contemporary theory politics course, one of the required reading materials was Foucault’s Discipline and Punish. Foucault had these very strong ideas about punishment, especially about, the â€Å"modern penal system†or otherwise known as prison. Foucault was very analytic about discipline and punishment prior to the eighteenth century. In the beginning of Discipline and Punish, Foucault explains how prior to the eighteenth century, punishment was something that was used as severeRead MoreThe Ethics Of Foucault And Today1166 Words  | 5 Pagesprotested on behalf of homosexuals and other marginalized groups†(2). Foucault was truly ahead of his time, most of his views stemming from his definition of ethics, morality, freedom and power and their coexistence and dependency on one another. Foucault’s definition of ethics first begins with the difference between ethics and morality. A described by Kenneth Wain, professor of philosophy at the University of Malta, Foucault describes the difference of morality and ethics as â€Å"in contrast with ethics
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Impact Of Network On The College Student - 884 Words
The impact of Network on the college student. With the advent of the era of information, network in the lives of college students plays a very important role, the network brings us a lot of convenienceï ¼Å'However, its negative effects become more and more cause our attention. To further investigate the influence of network for college students, I adopt the method of the questionnaire survey and online search. (my opinion) According to a survey (Basic situation investigation), some students can effectively control the Internet time and the main purpose is to collect learning materials online. There is a question (the question three is: What is the purpose of you access the Internet? A: Check study material B: chat with friend, C: watch the news D: listen to music or watch movies, D: others ) Forty-five percent of the students chose to listen to music and watching moviesï ¼Å'Thirty-four percent of students chose to chat onlineï ¼Å'While only 15% of the students chose to find information related to the learning and watching the news, the remaining 6% of the students chose the other. There is no denying that, network openness and convenience, the diversity of content and universality, for college students provide a broad space for learning, broaden the students learning approach, help to widen the vision of the students and promote academic (Naigui Ci said). Also, the Internet can provide students with a form of freedom, easy, no pressure environment in which to learn, help collegeShow MoreRelatedHow Online Social Networks Affect Student Reading Habits760 Words  | 4 Pagesonline social networks affect student reading habits. There are three types of reading for the purpose of this study: academic reading, recreational reading, and online social network reading. The study revealed that today’s college students read less and not as well as their predecessors. Students read or skim online E-books, conduct web searches, and search online library databases more than reading traditional textbooks. They also spend more time participating in online social networks then readingRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Academic And Social Aspects Of College Students?1440 Words  | 6 Pagesaspects of college students? Over the years, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram among others have caused a great impact to the world. The new ways of social relations that causing a transformation in the habits and customs of society. This huge popularity to can be connected and share a lot of information within seconds with the outside world has made a tremendous impact, especially on college students. There are many studies created talking about the effects of social networks, butRead MoreThe Role Of Peer Pressure On College Students1235 Words  | 5 PagesThe college culture praises unhealthy behaviors, such as binge drinking and the use of drugs such as marijuana, for us immature and still developing young adults. A popular reason for why college students partake in this extremely unhealthy behavior is the phenomenon we have been taught in schools and experienced all our lives: peer pressure. Authors, Nancy P. Barnett, Miles Q. Ott, Michelle L. Rogers, Michelle Loxley, Crystal Linklette r, and Melissa A. Clark, of the article, â€Å"Peer AssociationsRead MoreEffects of Social Networking on Undergraduate Student’s Grades1550 Words  | 7 Pagesand composition of computer applications, I would like to research the effects that social networks have on underclassmen undergraduate students attending an Historically Black College or University. In order to conduct this research, a study and survey must be held to determine whether social networking positively or negatively affects grade point averages by recording the number of social networks students are actively using and the number of hours spent on these applications in comparison to gradeRead MoreSocial Networks And Its Effect On Our Lives1661 Words  | 7 Pagessocial network sites (SNSs), like, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, QQ, get tremendous popularity over the world and gradually play an important role in our life. People can easily make new friends, communicate with friends and strengthen their rel ationship on the social sites. Users can share their routine and interesting experiences to their families and friends. They also can view pictures from friends’ timelines, read current news, and even play games. There is no doubt that social networks revolutionizeRead MoreThe Emergence Of The Internet And Social Media1079 Words  | 5 PagesThe emergence of the Internet and social media has had a tremendous impact on the theory and practice of advertising, public relations and marketing disciplines. Advertising spending on the Internet has outpaced all other traditional media (Center for Media Research, 2004). In the last two years, the number of social networking tools and the number of people using those tools have exploded, thus the rules are constantly changing and there is considerable uncertainty on how to employ these tools fromRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Our Society1559 Words  | 7 Pages We cannot deny that social media has taken over conventional media in the world today. We can easily see that they have impacts on our society. Since the introduction of social network sites years ago, to communicate with friends and family has been easy once you have access to internet.The definition of social media is the relationship that exist between network of people (Walter Riviera, 2004). In the last ten years, the online world has changed dramatically. Thanks to the ivention ofRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Society Essay1006 Words  | 5 PagesThe impact of social networking in the twenty-first century is the game- changing phenomenon within communication in our society today. Internet usage has skyrocketed in the past few years, with the usage of social networks. In society today organizations, schools, universities, kids, teens and college students are surrounded by social media and are linked and updated through networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Myspace just to mention a few. While social media is a greatRead MoreYouthful Indiscretions: Should Colleges Protect Social Network Users from Themselves and Others?989 Words  | 4 Pagesin favor of institutionalized involvement in social network protection in her article â€Å"Youthful Indiscretions: Should Colleges Protect Social Network Users from Themselves and Others?†(Fleming). Posted in the New England Journal of Higher Education, winter of 2008 issue, Fleming poses the question of responsibility in monitoring students’ online social networking activities. With a growing population of students registering on social networks like Facebook and MySpace, she introduces the concernRead MoreThe Social Media Platform College Students1385 Words  | 6 Pagesgeneration, and college students are at the epicenter. They are the called the â€Å"social mavensâ₠¬ (2.A) and â€Å"the founders of the social media movement†(2.A) who are constantly connected via online. Growing up as part of the new generation and seeing frequent changes in technology over the years, it has come to play a role in our daily lives. Being able to relate to such a topic, we wanted to look further into Millennials’ use of technology; specially relating to college-aged students and what social
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Odysseus V Telemachus Essay - 1469 Words
Jon Dunlap 3/8/12 Odysseus v Telemachus Period 2 â€Å"Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences youve had, and what youve learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdays youve celebrated.†– Anonymous ( Maturity is a key theme during the journeys of Telemachus and Odysseus. In Homer’s Odyssey the journeys of Telemachus and Odysseus have many similarities and differences such as their common goal and the lessons they learn; and only by overcoming these obstacles are they able to become emotionally stronger and find success in Ithaca. Odysseus and Telemachus’ respective journeys have many similarities such as the common enemy the share and the goal they are fighting towards. First,†¦show more content†¦Odysseus and Telemachus have one final thing in common on their journeys; they are both aided by Athena. Athena had been an ally of Odysseus since the Trojan War, mainly because she reminded him of herself. Throughout The Odyssey Athena aides both heroes on several occasions; Athena begs her father Zeus to allow her to aid Odysseus, so he can go home to his family, Father, son of [Kronos], King of kings, it served Aegisthus right †¦ it is for [Odysseus] that my heart bleeds, when I think of his sufferings in that lonely sea-girt island, far away, poor man, from all his friends†(Butler BK 1). Athena helps Telemachus by getting him his ship and crew before the journey to search for word of Odysseus, and develops a bond with both of them throughout the story. Despite the many similarities, Odysseus and Telemachus are very different; as evidenced by the way they behave, their respective upbringings, and the lessons they learn. The first main difference between Odysseus and Telemachus is the way they behave under pressure. Odysseus, having had many years of experience and the gift of persuasive speaking, tends to handle problems with patience and careful planning. This can be seen as he charms Nausicaa into aiding him on Scheria, O queen, he said, I implore your aid- but tell me, are you a goddess or are you a mortalShow MoreRelatedConflict in The Odyssey Essay998 Words  | 4 Pagessecond oldest surviving Greek text. The story contains many conflicts such as man v god, man v himself, and man v society. This paper will explore some of the important conflicts in this classic tale. Man v god is the most important conflict in the story. Towards the beginning of the story Odysseus goes to war against the Trojans and wins. What he doesn’t know is that the great God Poseidon favored Odysseus and his army and helped them win the Trojan War. Poseidon becomes very angry with Odysseus’sRead More Essay on the Double Meanings of The Odyssey995 Words  | 4 Pagesmeanings. The double meanings of these symbols are used to represent Odysseus and Telemachus as they strive to meet each other. While each symbol has a meaning that represents the growth of Telemachus, each one also represents, by another meaning, the growth and development of Odysseus. When they meet for the first time, the symbols, and the character traits that they represent confluence, and the resemblance between Odysseus and Telemachus becomes complete. One of the main ideas running throughoutRead MoreEssay on Epithet Chart for Homers Odyssey, Robert Fagles594 Words  | 3 Pages______ ____________ Odysseus: -â€Å"the man of twists and turns†(I.1) -â€Å"Great Odysseus†(I.228) -â€Å"King Odysseus†(I.456) -â€Å"godlike man†(II.261) -â€Å"Odysseus of Ithaca†(II.277) -â€Å"Worldly Odysseus†(V.237) -â€Å"Long-enduring Odysseus†(V.538) -â€Å"Worldly-Wise†(VII.200) -â€Å"Long-suffering great Odysseus†(VII.210) -â€Å"Diplomatic†(VII.346) -â€Å"Odysseus, raider of cities†(VIII.3) -â€Å"Great teller of tales†(IX.1) -â€Å"shining Odysseus†(XI.230) -â€Å"Deft and tactful Odysseus†(XI.404) Athena: -â€Å"sparkling-eyed†Read More Use of Epithets In Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey Essay774 Words  | 4 Pages Throughout The Iliad and The Odyssey, Homer’s use of the epithet in describing Odysseus becomes essential as a means of characterizing the hero. Homer uses several epithets, or nicknames, along with the name â€Å"Odysseus†as the story unfolds in both tales. Three of these include the descriptive epithet â€Å"wily Odysseus,†the laudative epithet â€Å"Odysseus, the great tactician,†and the patronymic epithet â€Å"Odysseus Laertiades.†Besides their obvious descriptive qualities, each of these epithets functionRead More The Maturation of Telemachus in Homers Odyssey Essays890 Words  | 4 PagesThe Maturation of Telemachus in Homers Odyssey   The Odyssey was a great book in which many characters were brought out and developed. The most significant development that occured in the epic was the development of Telemachus. Telemachus is a very complex character that Homer develops from beginning to end. From the beginning when is a mere shadow of his father to near the end in which he is considered just as courageous. Many factors influence Telemachus as he matures intoRead MoreThe Odyssey By Homer And The 1997 Movie Analysis1265 Words  | 6 Pagesrelationship would be Odysseus and his son, Telemachus. Odysseus leaves to battle right after his son was born. Odysseus didn t return until twenty years later, so Telemachus never grew up with a father figure. While gone, Odysseus promised himself that he would get back home to his son and wife. While he is gone, Telemachus wants to find out more about this father that he has never met. Telemachus never gives up on his father even when people told h im that he was dead. Telemachus even goes on a dangerousRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Odyssey And The Hobbit1472 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom a general perspective. If we look closer however you discover that for Odysseus, the main character of The Odyssey, this is about his journey home, while in The Hobbit the main character, Bilbo Baggins, is about to experience his first journey away from home. You can also gather from taking a closer look that both of these stories have two main characters each. In the Odyssey you have Odysseus and his son Telemachus, and in The Hobbit you have Bilbo, and the King under the Mountain Thorin, IRead MoreThe Odyssey By The Homer1976 Words  | 8 Pagespraised for its sophistication, complexity and thematic consistency. The book talks about Odysseus journey home to find his son and wife. It also talks about everything he encountered on his journey. The story of the Odyssey started after the fall of Troy. This was the reason why Odysseus decided to go back home to see his son and wife. In the beginning of the book the reader is first introduced to Odysseus on his way to find his son. It all started after he was released from the goddess CalypsoRead More Essay on Names in The Odyssey and The Bible1634 Words  | 7 Pagesshown through the hero, Odysseus. While traveling home from the Trojan War, Odysseus, in effect, loses his title, land, and power for twenty years. He remains with nothing but his name to speak for his character and person. As he himself says at the beginning of Book IX when beginning to tell his story to the Phaiacians, â€Å"First of all I will tell you my name, and then you may count me one of your friends if I live to reach my home, although that is far away. I am Odysseus Laertiades, a name wellRead More Importance of the Telemachy in Developing Major Themes of Odyssey3687 Words  | 15 Pagesfamed hero until we are well into Book V, on Calypsos island of Ogygia. However, during these introductory four books, we learn of the situation in Ithaca, Odysseus plight, some of the most important themes of the story and of course Odysseus son Telemachus. Homer keeps us in suspense, building the reputation of Odysseus by the stories of Menelaus, Helen, Nestor and all Odysseus friends in Ithaca. Also, by building up the character and heroism of Telemachus, we are impressed by him, and as Athene
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Regina Spektor free essay sample
â€Å"Thank you for coming to my party!†exclaimed singer/songwriter/pianist Regina Spektor. The audience members would agree that this show was as entertaining as any party. Reginas original songs are sprinkled with theatrics and provided for a set that was both intriguing and amusing. The stage was empty when Ms. Spektor began her performance and her a capella opener provided an accurate idea of how incredible the rest of the set would be. Regina played solo the first half of the set, which included her older songs. Her always-witty lyrics include topics ranging from finding a mans wallet and returning it to Blockbuster, to washing dishes, bubbles, and mortality. Regina performed by clapping, stomping, and clicking her tongue, but what got most people was her true musical talent. Regina sang the majority of lyrics rapidly, often repeating words or lines. As if it werent enough that Regina has enough talent to sing her trailing, fast-paced vocals while simultaneously beating the keys of her piano throughout her performance, during â€Å"Poor Little Rich Boy†she was actually able to keep a powerful drum beat on the chair seat next to her and maintain her wit and adorable persona. We will write a custom essay sample on Regina Spektor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Im in no danger of becoming a pro,†Regina claimed, as she picked up her guitar and performed a few songs solo, including â€Å"That Time†from her newest album. Her band then joined her for eight more songs. For an encore, Regina and her band returned with â€Å"Ghost of Corporate Future†and â€Å"Us,†both of which called for crowd participation. She then played â€Å"Samson†solo before returning to her band for â€Å"Hotel Song.†After the show, a feeling of awe overwhelmed every member of the audience. People stood around outside unsure of how to react to the unbelievable set theyd just experienced. Theres something different about Regina Spektor. Maybe its her influences, which range from Mozart and Bach to Radiohead and Nirvana, even Eminem. Perhaps its the fact that in 2003 she toured with The Strokes (and even performed and recorded with them) that makes her so cool. Maybe its a combination of all that and more. Whatever the case, were glad the girl from the Bronx (originally from Moscow) stopped home again. Spektor self-released two albums (now rarities) before signing to any company, and has since released two more albums (â€Å"Soviet Kitsch†in 2005 and â€Å"Begin to Hope†in 2006). Her most recent has brought her the most attention. Go check it out for yourself.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Primal Fear Essays
Primal Fear Essays Primal Fear Paper Primal Fear Paper The Psychology of Primal Fear Controlled Chaos Primal Fear is a movie starring Richard Greer and Edward Norton. At the beginning, Aaron (Edward Norton) kills the Archbishop of Chicago In a very grisly, brutal murder. The extremely egocentric Martin (Richard Greer) takes on the case of defending Aaron pro fond and the rest of the movie Is spent learning about the characters and figuring out the best way to defend Aaron and not lose the case. From a psychological point of view, this movie was amazing. From the ego and past of Martin Ball to the level of psychotically that Aaron exalts there Is more than enough material and Information for a psychologist to work with. We find out In the movie that Aaron comes from a broken home: his mom dies when he was a young boy and his dad was a bad man who apparently was abusive. Aaron Is later diagnosed with multiple-personality disorder. We find that the mild mannered, polite, simple minded 19 year old who stutters is only a part of who Aaron is. He is also harboring Roy, his other personality. Roy is the complete opposite of Aaron. Aaron is right handed, Roy is left. Roy looks you in the eye, Aaron does not. Roy is also Eileen and aggressive. Whenever Roy comes out, Aaron loses time, which means he cant remember anything. Defending Aaron is Martin Vail. We learn later in the movie that Martin did a bad thing, and we are left to feel like maybe that is why he is a defense attorney, so that he can defend good people who do bad things. Clearly his past influences who he is, much as Aarons does. We also get the impression from Martin that he is a very egotistical person. He likes to see himself on television, and in the headlines, at one point asking a Journalist from a magazine owing a story on him that this will be on the cover correct? At the end of the movie, Aaron is tried but not convicted for the murder due to insanity. He is ordered to the psych ward of a prison for a month long evaluation and then the state will release him depending on the outcome of the evaluation. In a plot twist, we find out that there really was no Aaron and that Roy made up the non-violent, simple minded persona so that he could get away with murder. And so he did. The question remains though, if Roy has a violent personality, as he clearly does, and he Is able to make up this other persona, than Is he really crazy after all, or did he just do a masterful Job at acting? Primal Fear By Indiana Primal Fear is a movie starring Richard Greer and Edward Norton. At the beginning, Aaron (Edward Norton) kills the Archbishop of Chicago in a very grisly, defending Aaron pro bono and the rest of the movie is spent learning about the characters and figuring out the best way to defend Aaron and not lose the case. Of Martin Vail to the level of psychotics that Aaron exhibits there is more than enough material and information for a psychologist to work with. We find out in the boy and his dad was a bad man who apparently was abusive. Aaron is later diagnosed with multiple-personality disorder. We find that the mild mannered, also harboring ROY, his other personality. Roy is the complete opposite of Aaron. Violent and aggressive. Whenever ROY comes out, Aaron loses time, which means he cant remember anything. Defending Aaron is Martin Vail. We learn later in movie, Aaron is tried but not convicted for the murder due to insanity. He is is able to make up this other persona, than is he really crazy after all, or did he Just
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Training and Development (Secret Service Uniformed and Security Assignment
Training and Development (Secret Service Uniformed and Security Division) - Assignment Example Officers have the responsibility of provision of additional support to the Secret Services mission using a number of tactics. For instance, the first one is the Counter sniper Support Unit (CS) founded in 1971 (US Secret Service, 2014). The function of the CS is the provision of specialized protective support that helps to defend against threats that may face the protected parties in the long run. Today CS forms an operational unit of the Protective Division of the president. The Canine Explosives Detection Unit (K-9) established in 1976 is another unit (US Secret Service, 2014). The function of the K-9 unit is the provision of specialized and skilled detection for explosives that may affect the protected persons under their jurisdiction. The third group is called the Emergency Response Team (ERT) founded in 1992. The primary function of ERT is the provision of technical support concerning unlawful intrusion as well as security challenges related to the White House as well as its grounds. ERT personnel undergo advanced, specialized training and must uphold a high standard of operational and physical proficiency. The fourth unit is magnetometers. The Secret Service started depending on magnetometer (metal detector) help by Uniformed Division officers to strengthen its protective attempts away from the White House after the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan. The Magnetometer Support Units function is to ensure that not all people entering secure areas occupied by people protected by the secret service have weapons The Special Agent Division forms one of the most elite organizations for law enforcement in the world (US Secret Service, 2014). The group has earned such a reputation for over the 140 years of unparalleled service delivery to the nation. Being among the oldest law enforcement organs of the federal government, the
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Creative Writing - Appetites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Creative Writing - Appetites - Essay Example This list of rules was in a black, handcrafted frame that really accentuated the font, causing the rules to pop off the page when anyone looked at it. Kate and Sebastian thought it would be appropriate to hang this list of rules in the dining room, since that was what the rules were in reference to and it was also the most sacred room in the house. When looking around Sebastian and Kate’s house, one might not see this document as having great importance, but that is far from the truth. These rules were the cornerstone of their relationship. If one were to break such a rule, for someone else it might be equivalent to cheating on your spouse by having sex with someone other than your spouse. Every week they have a theme, a country, that dictates all of the food they eat for that week. The themes start on Sunday and end that following Saturday night. Saturday night is always the biggest meal of the week. They always save the most exotic dish from that specific country for that Sa turday meal. The Saturday meal always took huge preparations. They would switch off every other week putting on the Saturday meal. The person responsible for putting on the Saturday meal would be responsible for selecting the table covers, silverware, and preparing the food. Separately they would both pick out their outfits, which were supposed to mimic formal attire that would be worn in that country. This week’s theme was going to be South Korea. Sebastian was responsible for putting on the big meal that Saturday. This was a going to be a huge week for both of them, and they both were extremely anxious. It took weeks to fully prepare the menu for this week. Once they did that, they had to order all of the food and make sure they stored it properly. It was crucial that whoever was responsible for preparing the food knew how to properly prepare it or else the consequences could be fatal. Since a lot of the meals that they would eat on Saturday evenings had the potential of be ing dangerous, allowing one spouse to prepare the food demonstrated the ultimate trust within this relationship. Sebastian really wanted to make this meal a special one, since it was a country that they had both been anticipating for months. He thought that Sannakji, wriggling octopus, would be a good choice given its unique texture and its lethality. Sannakji is a mild-tasting, lightly seasoned delicacy that is known for choking individuals. It is prepared in a manner that the octopus’s legs are removed while the octopus is still alive. This causes the legs to wriggle around on the plate like a pile of worms. The tentacles’ suction cups can stick to your inside your throat or to your cheeks. The lights were dimmed, giving a very romantic ambience to the meal. There was a small two-person table in the middle of their dining room. There was a candle in the middle of the table that gave off a lavender aroma throughout the room. The candle was in a very nice, sterling sil ver candleholder. The tablecloth had a very strange texture; it was leather with animal fur on top of it. The very coarse hair was cream with a yellow tint to it. The chairs, which were made of mahogany wood, had seat covers on top of it that matched the same material of the tablecloth. There were two table settings; the napkins and placemats both matched the tablecloth and chair seats. There were two beautiful, ornate yellow plates with
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Physical therapy intervention with a stroke patient Essay Example for Free
Physical therapy intervention with a stroke patient Essay The clinical manifestations of neurologic disease are as varied as the disease processes themselves. Symptoms can be subtle or intense, fluctuating or permanent, an inconvenience or devastating. First clinical manifestation is Pain, it is considered an unpleasant sensory perception and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain is therefore considered multidimensional and entirely subjective. Seizures are the result of abnormal paroxysmal discharges in the cerebral cortex, which then manifest as an alteration in sensation, behavior, movement, perception, or consciousness. The alteration may be short, as in a blank stare lasting only a second, or of longer duration, such as tonic- clonic grand mal seizure that can last several minutes. Dizziness, an abnormal sensation of imbalance or movement. It is fairly common in the elderly and one of the most common complaints encountered by health professionals. Visual Disturbances, visual defects that cause people to seek health care can range from the decreased visual acuity associated with aging to sudden blindness. Weakness, specifically muscle weakness is a common manifestation of CVA. Weakness frequently co exists with other symptoms of disease and can affect a variety of muscles, causing a wide range of disability. Weakness can be sudden and permanent, a sin stroke, or progressive, as in many neuromuscular diseases. Abnormal sensation, numbness, abnormal sensation, or loss of sensation is a manifestation of cerebrovascular accident. Altered sensation can affect small or large areas of the body. It is frequently associated with weakness or pain and is potentially disabling. Both numbness and weakness can significantly affect balance and coordination.            Assessment of cortical motor integration is carried out by asking the patient to perform a skilled act like asking a patient to throw a ball, move a chair. Successful performance requires the ability to understand the activity desired and normal motor strength. Failure signals cerebral dysfunction. Examining the Motor System, a thorough examination of the motor system includes an assessment of the muscle size, tone and strength, coordination, and balance. The patient is instructed to walk across the room while the examiner observes posture and gait. The muscles are inspected, and palpated if necessary, for their size and symmetry. Resistance and Abnormalities are documented after. Assessing the patient’s ability to flex or extend the extremities against resistance test muscle strength. Once the leg is straightened, it is exceedingly difficult for the examiner to flex the knee. Conversely, if the knee of the patient is flexed and is asked to straighten the leg against resistance, a more subtle disability can be elicited. For example, the right upper extremity is compared to the left upper extremity. In this way, subtle differences in muscle strength can be more easily detected and accurately described. Coordination in the hands and upper extremities is tested by having the patient perform rapid, alternating movements and point-to-point testing. First the patient is instructed to pat his or her thigh as fast as possible with each hand separately. Then the patient is instructed to alternately pronate and supinate the hand as rapidly as possible. The n lastly, the patient is asked to touch each of the fingers with the thumb in a consecutive motion. Speed, symmetry, and degree of difficulty are noted. Coordination in the lower extremities is tested by having the patient run the heel down the anterior surface of the tibia of the other leg. Each leg is tested in turn. The motor reflexes are involuntary contractions of muscles or muscle groups in response to abrupt stretching near the site of the muscle’s insertion. The tendon is struck directly with a reflex hammer or indirectly by striking the examiner’s thumb, which is placed firmly against the tendon. Testing these reflexes enables the examiner to assess involuntary reflex arcs that depend on the presence of afferent stretch receptors, spinal synapses, efferent motor fibers, and a variety of modifying influences from higher levels. Common reflexes that maybe tested include the deep tendon reflexes like biceps, brachioradialis, triceps, patellar, and ankle reflexes and superficial or cutaneous reflexes like abdominal reflexes and plantar or Babinski response.  References: Brunner, K., Suddarith, L. (2003) Medical- Surgical Nursing.  J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Motivational Strategy Guidelines Based On Self-Efficacy Essay -- Social
Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is three-fold: First, to examine briefly Social Cognitive Theory’s view on the contribution of self-efficacy to learning and motivation; Then, to offer some guidelines for motivational strategies reflecting self-efficacy concepts that have been supported by research; Finally, to provide some possible ways to implement these guidelines in a mathematics class. Introduction Within us all is a desire to achieve. The need exists to show, to ourselves and to others, that we are capable in some area; that we are able to perform difficult tasks, acquire knowledge that no one else knows, run faster, jump higher, and live up to some perceived potential unique to us as individuals. This goal to achieve is evident in young children, manifesting itself early and continuing at some level throughout the school years and on into adulthood. Of particular interest and importance to me as a teacher are contributing factors to students’ motivation to achieve, and motivational strategies that can increase the likelihood of student achievement. At this point, let me state the obvious: Studying motivation is somewhat difficult, because motivation is subjective. Motivation is not directly observable. It must be inferred from student behavior. Also, behavior patterns exhibited by students may have similar surface attributes, but could arise from entirely different motivations (Good, Brophy, 1995). Student motivation is affected by many variables including past experience, peers, home life, classroom and school expectations, and teacher behavior. This adds to the complexity of studying motivation, and adds to the difficulty teachers face when addressing issues relevant to promoting st... ...03). My Current Understanding of Understanding Mathematics, paper submitted for MAT 791. Snowman, J. & Biehler, R. (2000). Psychology Applied to Teaching. 9th Edition. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Company. Urdan, T. Midgley, C., & Anderman, E. M. (1998), The role of classroom goal structure in students’ use of self-handicapping stragtegies, American Education Research Journal, 35(1), 101-122. Online sources and suggestions: (Cooperative Learning Suggestions). (Self-Efficacy by Albert Bandura). (An excellent resource for information and links on SCT and self-efficacy).
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Citizens for Democracy
A democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving free elections that are periodically held. The necessary moral and intellectual characteristics the citizens of a democracy must possess for the survival and the prosperity of such a form of government include: respect for laws, respect for rights, respect for authority, equal mental worth, and opportunity for all citizens. Some other scholars have argued another notion pertaining to the success of a democracy. Those scholars have suggested the presence of certain economic conditions is necessary for a democracy to continue to exist and to flourish. A democracy will go as far as the citizens of that democracy will take it. Therefore, the moral and intellectual characteristics that those citizens possess are pivotal. Moral characteristics are those in which help the citizens set a standard of what is right and good for the country. These include respect for laws, rights, and authority. The citizens must respect the laws for many reasons, mainly for fear of punishment that usually entails a loss of freedom. The citizens must also have a respect for the rights they and others have. This gives each citizen a sense of equality to one and other, they all have the same rights under the law, which allows freedom to be put into action. Besides these characteristics, the citizens of a democracy must have a respect for authority. Those in authority are the ones protecting the laws and the rights of the citizens. If the citizens value their freedom and liberty, then they must respect the protectors of those freedoms and liberties. Intellectual characteristics are necessary because the citizen's ability for rational or intelligent thought adds to the prosperity of the democracy. The citizens must be able to, as Tocqueville states, â€Å"educate democracy; to put, if possible, new life into its beliefs; to purify its mores; to control its actions; gradually to substitute understanding of statecraft for present inexperience and knowledge of its true interest for blind instincts; to adapt government to the needs of time and place; and to modify it as men and circumstances require. The citizens of a democracy must see each other as having equal mental worth. All citizens should understand that the opportunity for education should be present. But, the amount of education should not be what is most important: the citizens must understand it's what you do with the education that matters most. Intellectually everyone is different; some are more educated than others, and others less. The citizens must have the insight to understand that everyone is equal under the law and in the rights that are bestowed upon them. These characteristics are all very important to the survival of a democracy. Theodore Roosevelt explains this best when he stated, â€Å"A democracy must consist of men who are intellectually, morally, and materially fit to be their own masters. †There are, however, other scholars who believe that certain economic conditions must be also present for the continued survivability of a democracy. The characteristics of the citizens are very important to the success of a democracy, but groups of people known as progressives, believe that economic situations in a democracy play just as important of a role. The economic situation that they claim is needed is economic equality. As Franklin Roosevelt, a progressive and former President of the United States, stated, â€Å"Our government, formal and informal, political and economic, owes to everyone an avenue to possess himself of a portion of that plenty sufficient for his needs, through his own work. †It is the government's responsibility to ensure economic equality to all citizens, which is important, because, the prosperity of a democracy depends on the prosperity of its citizens. Theodore Roosevelt, another progressive and President, furthers this notion by contending, â€Å"there is no point in having prosperity unless there can be an equitable division of prosperity. †This must therefore be extended to economics: for the democracy to move forward and provide for its citizens, the citizens themselves must have the economic stability. If there were not an equal distribution of prosperity, in the economic sense, the government would have to create programs to â€Å"level the playing field. Examples of these programs are welfare and affirmative action. While these programs are different, they have the same purpose: to help those in need which would, in turn, level the playing field. A democracy is faced with many challenges that it must be able to adjust to, including the economic growth of its citizens and the security of that growth. L. B. Johnson stated, â€Å"The challenge of the next half of the century is whether we have the wisdom to use that wealth to enrich and elevate our national life, and to advance the quality of our American civilization. Therefore, for a democracy to survive, that democracy and the citizens of the democracy must have the ability to move forward and shape their own future to assure prosperity and survival. This is the link between the economic and the political. In conclusion, the citizens of a democracy must possess for it to succeed and survive. Others believe economic conditions affect the prosperity of a democracy. While there are other characteristics that generally impact a democracy, the ones explained are seen as the most important.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Critical Analysis Of Tuesdays With Morrie - 999 Words
Tuesdays with Morrie Synthesis and Analysis Tuesdays with Morrie is a memoir written by Mitch Albom that documents his last thesis with his old college sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. The story captures the compassion and wisdom that Morrie represents, but as he slowly contracts a disease known as ALS, his time is about to run out. It isn’t until 16 years later when Mitch sees his old professor being interviewed on ABC’s Nightline that this begins to change. Mitch was a student to Morrie Schwartz at Brandeis University and has lost touch after graduating. Unknown to Mitch, Morrie had continued teaching social psychology until he had become diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. While watching†¦show more content†¦Morrie still stays up on the latest news. As they discuss the Civilian victims in the war of Bosina, Morrie begins to cry. As he states, He now cries for those he has never met before. He admits that he cries all the time. He feels an affinity with all people that suffer, even with just the people that he reads about on the news. Mitch says that he never cries, But Morrie has been trying ever since his college years. He then quotes Levine by saying â€Å"Love is the only rational act†Mitch takes this to heart as he kisses Morrie when he leaves, this is an unusual display of affection on his part. The second reason that is likable about this book is Morrie’s character and personality. He’s quite a jovial man with plenty of experience. He has spent most of his life as a sociology professor at Brandeis University. In the beginning, he is Diagnosed with ALS, he realizes that he is dying and learned to accept his death. He shared his philosophies, and on the meaning of life, and with world. One example of his signature characteristics is to draw human spirituality and genuine emotion from anyone that he befriends. An example of this is with Mitch. A strong-willed and stubborn man, he wasn’t one to cry. But as it gets close to the end Morrie finally gets it out of him, to accept his emotions and not bottle them up. As he keeps telling him there is nothing wrong with feeling emotion. You just let it happen. What his beliefs are is thatShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of Tuesdays With Morrie1620 Words  | 7 Pages Tuesdays with Morrie Tuesdays with Morrie an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson. Mitch a student at Brandeis University found a professor that stood out to him: Morrie. Mitch learned new life lessons and advice from him. After graduation Mitch became a busy man working many different jobs, while also getting married to his wife Janine. Mitch forgot many of the lessons that Morrie had taught him. During this time Mitch struggled with relationships and communication within his lifeRead MoreTuesdays with Morrie: a Critical Analysis Essay993 Words  | 4 PagesTuesdays with Morrie Critical Analysis Essay In an effort to share the â€Å"last class†he had with his college sociology professor, Mitch Album wrote, â€Å"Tuesdays with Morrie.†This moving account of the life lessons that Morrie taught him is a beautiful tribute to a man whose compassion and love for humanity made him a favorite among those who knew him. Though stricken with the debilitating disease ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and knowing death was swiftly approaching Morrie continuedRead MoreTuesdays With Morrie Film Analysis1757 Words  | 8 Pages This paper will examine the following; the description of Loss, Grief / Bereavement faced by the main character from the film, an indebt analysis of defined concepts/examples, theories and models connected with the main character, as illustrated in the film, the summary/developmental issues of loss, grief/bereavement, the distinction of common, normal and anticipatory grief, different stages/models of grief, cultural response to grief, the application of relevant theoreticalRead MoreAmazon Your Industry: Extracting Value from the Value Chain4647 Words  | 19 Pagesmodel. For example, consider the 30-plus percent return rate for adult hardcover books through traditional channels, versus the 3 percent return rate through Although many have examined - the icon of the Digital Age - our analysis goes beyond to identify a number of Internet axioms worth consideration by dot-com startups and traditional retailers alike: * Inefficient supply networks are at risk from new players. * First-movers gain advantage from scale. Read MoreOprah Winfrey – the Story of an Entrepreneur4292 Words  | 18 PagesPresents’ series of telefilms. Some of the major projects under the ‘Oprah Winfrey Presents’ banner were ‘Amy and Isabelle,’ ‘Tuesdays with Morrie,’ ‘David and Lisa,’ ‘The Wedding,’ and ‘Before Women Had Wings.’ Oprah even acted in some of these telefilms (such as ‘The Women of Brewster Place,’ ‘Before Women Had Wings’ and ‘There Are No Children Here’) and recorded critical acclaim for her performance. The telefilms venture met with reasonable success and generated $4 million in revenues in 2001.
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